Reflecting on 2017 & festive shipping dates

We can all agree that leading up to the holidays is always a rush, meeting deadlines and managing peoples unrealistic expectations… but in between the chaos we have time to reflect on the year. Time to say thank you to those who helped you along the way, time to celebrate the successes and time to ponder on how we could do better when facing challenges.

This year has been a whirlwind to say the least, the kind that spits you out the other side looking abit disheveled. I had to say a few goodbyes, some hellos and a-lot of pick yourself up pep talks, all while reminding myself that without change we don’t grow, so to summarize… I am grateful for this year however I am happy to see it go.

I have always tried to see the glass half full rather than half empty and so based on a few meetings I have had recently, I have no doubt that 2018 will be a magical year! Touch wood. 

Reflecting of 2017 –

January – April; Content creation

This year started with me producing some of my best work to date, while working at Zana. We kicked off the year with our most successful Instagram giveaway, where we partnered with a few local brands including Plascon to give away a bedroom make over to the value of R6500! It was awesome…

I also had the opportunity to conceptualise and execute the Zana 5th birthday campaign. It was such a great milestone to be apart of! The celebrations filled the month of April, with giveways, desktop downloads, birthday cake recipes – it was such fun, but the highlight for me was the #LetsPartyCollab. 

I had the pleasure of working with Nicole from Ghost Goods , on designing the Zana 5th Birthday pin and for the birthday party we collaborated with a few of our fave local creatives! Girls who, well, know how to throw a beautiful party! @shewolfsa on makeup, flowers by @BouwerFlowers, cake and sweet treats by @Sweet.lionheart and photos by the talented @Carlalikesphotos .

All while over at Studio Melissa Louise the House Mackrill project was featured in the SA Garden and Home March issue and we started the House Raath project!

Zana 5th birthday campaign.

May – July; Lets get personal

I never get personal here, because well, this is my business blog and I am a professional! If you know me at all you will know I don’t like to mix the two BUT guess what professionals are human too, so let’s get personal! A big thank you to everyone for reaching out after that blog post, you are special!

All that while finishing the House Raath project (which turned out wonderfully! The big reveal is coming sooooon!) and starting the House Hamilton project!

I did a lot of soul searching and that lead to,

August; Follow your dreams

Launched in 2012 as a personal blog, the Melissa Louise brand has evolved and grown over the years. I thrive on hustling and I have always worked on my personal growth while working full time. I maintained my love for interior design and beautiful products as a passion project which has now developed into my own business. A happy accident really.

The things I learnt in my first week as a solopreneur have stuck and I continue to remind myself of these things! Although my home studio is still a mess and needs a makeover, which I am working on…

In August I started doing the Friday Studio Melissa Louise Instagram story updates, at first I felt silly filming myself but with encouragement from you all, it got easier and I really enjoy doing them now! I have had so many project leads come from Instagram stories, it is wonderful to get feedback like that so thank you for sending me messages! I love engaging with like minded people, for the few people I have met up with after meeting on Instagram, this excites me! I hope that we can continue to embrace each-other and build a community who is supportive and inspires!

House Hamilton ensuite bathroom progress. 

House Hamilton ensuite bathroom after. 

September – December; A blur

Just when I thought the year couldn’t get more crazy, it did. I ended up in hospital for a short while, stress and strong medication prescribed by my dermatologist (treating dry skin) caused me to experience hepatitis of the liver/acute liver failure. All while my team of contractors continued to execute the projects I had on the go.

I am so grateful to be surrounded by such an amazing support structure. Naturally I am still playing catch up from this forced ‘down time’ but now I am happy, healthy and that’s what is important! I also have really understanding clients, that helps!

In these final months Studio Melissa Louise has achieved so much, we did our first market, launched a new scent, stocking our candles in more stores near you, we completed the S-cape Community project, we finished and photographed 2 major projects, started and completed 4 upholstery/blind install projects, put together design proposals for prospective clients, the redesign of our website, had an intern, shopped till we dropped at MRP Home, styled and photographed Christmas content, presented a new project presentation to a few men in suits and here we are! YAY!

One of the 3 markets we did this year. 

S-cape community project, executed by Brooke, Lana and myself. Photographed above is a before and after of the study nook. 

So while I play catch up and December blurs into January, my team and I will be working straight through to finish up the projects, here are important dates to remember –

2017 Festive shipping dates;

While we are working through the holidays to execute projects on the go, our studio closes on the 15th of December and will re-open on the 8th of January. I will be intermittently answering emails over this period. 

Important dates to remember,

Last day for any international wholesale orders: 6th December. 5pm.

Last day for any local wholesale orders: 8th December. 5pm.

Last day for any local online orders: 15th December. Midnight.
*these orders will be shipped on the 19th of December and will take +-2 working days to arrive.

Thank you for your support, our 2017 top 9 over on Instagram.

Goals and exciting things to look forward to in 2018;

Project reveals, I’ll be sharing House Hamilton and House Raath and you may even be able to read about them in a magazine near you, collaborations, product development, beautiful content for us and other local brands – it’s going to be magic and I cant wait to share the journey with you.

Happy holidays everyone!



Written, compiled and photographed by Melissa Lawrence. 






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