Beautiful homes around the world – Tessa & Craig

Interior design is my passion but what I love most about spaces is that it takes your personal touch to make it home, so join me as we tour the world in search of beautiful homes around the world. If you would like your home to be featured in this series please e-mail me. 


Living in Cape Town can sometimes feel like an international getaway, we are spoilt with so many vistas, the Cape Town CBD and the areas snuggled under Table Mountain are my favourite. Next we tour the beautiful home of Tessa and Craig who live in a beautiful renovated old Victorian home in Vredehoek.

Where in the world do you live and what is your favourite part about living there?

We live in Cape Town, South Africa. We really enjoy the suburb of Vredehoek as it feels quite spacious for the city bowl. There are good views, interesting people and its close to work and the mountain for walks with our beloved dog, Ted.

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What do you and your partner do for a living?

I run the marketing and creative side of our family homeware textile company and have the Mungo Studio in Cape Town. My husband, Craig Harding (not Holding!) is a freelance web developer and an avid urban gardener.

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What influences have inspired the interior design of your home?

Our home is pretty eclectic and mostly contains items that we have collected along the way. We have a real appreciation for quality items. I of course love fabric, so good textiles are important to me. We are at the age in our lives where we are able swop out older student furniture and replace it with better items, even if we have to do it one piece at a time. It is a slow process but getting there! As it is an older home we are trying to give it a little more of a modern touch but also believe in it remaining timeless so we don’t get bored. We’re not that into the throw away society and believe things should last.

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Describe a typical Saturday in your home:

Coffee in bed to unwind from the week. Then move to the sunny porch and have another! Saturdays are pretty slow for us. We often see friends, take a stroll around a local market, take a walk on the mountain and finish at any local cafe that accepts dogs!

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Thank you for allowing us into your home Tessa & Craig. 


All photographs by Tessa Holding.  

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